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Dr. Keiron Brown

Psycho-free Dating Tips

Here are some helpful tips so that you can have fun dates and NOT come across like a Psycho!


  1. Yes, we know you want to come across like a “free spirit,” but not taking some time to actually plan your date could be inviting trouble and may make you look like an idiot or, at the very least, look irresponsible. So, take some time and do things like have an actual plan in advance of the date, and that the lucky guy or girl you’re taking out agrees with it, actually know how to get to where you’re taking them, know the hours of operation, you know, stuff like that.


  1. Here’s a thought: Pick a place or an activity that your date might actually enjoy. Even better, pick something that you both would enjoy.  That way, he or she isn’t just tolerating their time with you, and you aren’t suffering and just trying to get through the date.


  1. For this one, “Don’t Be a Psycho” translates to “Be Considerate of Your Date.” If the two of you are going out on a weeknight, don’t go do something that ends too late in the evening.  One or both of you probably has to go to work the next day, so save those late-night dates for the weekend!


  1. We would say that “This Goes Without Saying,” but…here it is anyway: Don’t try to get physical or sexual with your date right away! Don’t go all psycho and start making suggestive or sexual comments about them.  Complimenting your date by telling them that they look nice is appropriate.  Sleazing it up with how physically attractive they are and how physically attracted you are to them, is not.  Show some respect, you Psycho!  And don’t get all “grabby” on them, either.  No one who you barely know or are just getting to know wants your hands all over them!


  1. Show a little class, sensitivity and maturity by actually listening to your date while you’re out. Some psychos think that talking about themselves all evening is the same as the two of you “getting to know each other.”  No, that’s them getting to know all about you.  Play the “Quiet Game,” close your mouth, and actually listen to what they want to talk about.


  1. Another “This Should Go Without Saying” but here it is: Don’t start talking about heavy or too-serious issues on your date! Trust us: your date does not want to hear about your exes, how much you hate your job, how stupid your boss is, or why you should’ve been chosen as homecoming queen back in high school!  C’mon!  It’s a date, not confession or a therapy session.  Keep it light!  Keep it fun!  Keep your demons and your drama to yourself!  If the two of you actually make it to having a relationship, you’ll have plenty of time to get into all of that.


  1. As this is a date, try to find some things that you have in common with your date. Talk and listen, listen and talk, and see if things from your past and present match up with theirs in some ways, and see what the two of you have in common.  Hopefully, some of the things that you have in common will be things like “morals” and “values,” and not strictly superficial things like how much you both like the latest Reality TV show!


  1. The third installment in our series of “Stuff We Shouldn’t Have to Tell You, but…” At the end of your very pleasant, well-planned, thoughtful and respectful date, don’t get to his or her door and then try to stick your tongue down their throat!  Seriously!  A light kiss on the cheek or a gentle hug is a lot better and, really, can be a lot sexier than you trying to show off your best porno move as you’re saying goodnight!


  1. Thank the person for a nice time! Everybody’s time is valuable and they chose to spend some of theirs with you.  Tell them how much you appreciate their time, effort and thoughtfulness, and how much you enjoyed yourself.  To not do this make you look inconsiderate, selfish, entitled and, you know, like a Psycho!


Show respect at the beginning, middle and end of your date and you’ll have that person thinking, “Wow, I’ve finally met someone who isn’t a Psycho!”



Interested in learning more? The following courses are recommended at Don't Date A Psycho University:


"How to Prepare for Your Best Relationship EVER!"



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